Upon completion of the course, the attendee is familiar with the: MBCP examination format; Professional Practices for Business Continuity Planners; methods for creating and managing a planning project; and actions to be taken within a hypothetical business continuity planning case.
Successful completion of the BCP-601 course and passing the essay exam with a 75% or higher earns students a Certificate in Business Continuity Master Case Study Review from DRI International, as well as 16 Continuing Education Activity Points (CEAPs).
Introduction and overview of the Professional Practices for Business Continuity Planners Program Initiation and Management; Risk Evaluation and Control; Business Impact Analysis; Developing Business Continuity Strategies; Emergency Response and Operations; Developing and Implementing Business Continuity Plans; Awareness and Training Programs; Maintaining, Auditing and Exercising Business Continuity Plans; Public Relations and Crisis Communication; Coordination with Public Authorities.
• Master Business Continuity Professional (MBCP)
(1) have already passed the DRI International Qualifying Exam; and
(2) be able to document a minimum of five years of business continuity planning experience.
NOTE: It is mandatory that you bring your personal laptop to the BCP-601 COURSE and MASTERS EXAM. DRI International will not provide a laptop for you. Please bring your laptop to class. DRI will provide power strips. Also, you will need to have Microsoft Word 2003 or Microsoft Word 2007 on your laptop to take the exam. Your exam will be administered via USB drive. If you are bringing a company-owned laptop for use in your exam, please insure it will read and save Word files to USB drives not supplied by your organization.
Senior Management, BC/DR Coordinator, Corporate Communication Team, HODs, Business & Process Owners.
For more information about the above course offerings, please write to
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