2-Day Effective Victims and Next-Of-Kin Management Workshop (BCOE-NOK)

2 Days

A company’s response during crises determines make or break its reputation. This training equips the participants with the skills to manage the victims and next-of-kins, as one of the support managements of any incident.

In times of crisis, it is important to ensure the safety and well-being of employees, as well as maintaining effective communication with the Victims and Next-of-Kin (NOK) when the situation requires.

This workshop is designed to equip participants with the fundamentals principles of

  • Humanitarian support for victims and next-of-kin preparedness during an incident.
  • Sharing of case studies and overall understanding of the entire process from pre-preparedness, victim identification, repatriation, personal effects management and post-accident-office.
  • Essential skills and knowledge to excel in Victims and NOK communication management during challenging times.
  • Understand the larger aspect of any crisis and its debilitating impact on an organization.
  • Learn the concepts of empathetic communication with the Victims and NOK, as well as the relevance of emotional support and proactively addressing the Victims and NOK needs for the future well-being.
  • Highlight the aspects of organizational support to the Victims and NOK on short-term/long-term basis.
  • Gather clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities in supporting the Victims and NOK with dignity and compassion.

As a result of supporting the Victims and NOK, an organization embeds the culture of humane practices and empathy towards its largest asset – its employees, thereby, enhancing an organization’s reputation.

Workshop Objectives
Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Address appropriate response in cases of trauma among the Victims and NOK
  • Assess and manage hostile/antagonizing behavior of the Victims and NOK
  • Practice effective and empathetic communication with the Victims and NOK
  • Formalize protocols for handling notification of sensitive issues.
  • Provide clarity on roles and responsibilities among the Victims and NOK management.
Workshop Summary of Agenda
  • Introduction to Crisis Communications (BS11200:2014)
  • Basic Victims & Family Support Preparation
  • Communications Skills for Caregivers
  • Handling The Victims & Next-Of-Kin (NOKs)
  • Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) and Breaking News Process
  • Handling The Enquiries – General Public, Victims & Next-Of-Kin (NOKs)
  • Communications Skills & Managing the Stress
  • Post-Accident Office (PAO)

Who Should Attend?
Senior Management, Crisis Communication Team, BC Coordinators, Business Unit Heads, Crisis Management and Support Team, Facility Team, Emergency Response Team, HR Department and Unit Heads, Head of Department, Risk Personnel

For more information about the above course offerings, please contact us at +603-2116 5759 / +6014 6210982 or write to

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